Prof. Dimitar Popov, Ph.D. Director of Laboratory of Applied Linguistics at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Main research interests: cognitive linguistics, corpuslinguistics, forensic linguistics, stylistics, experimental phonetics, pragmatics, applied linguistics, discourse analysis, media linguistics E-mail:; Personal web pages: Profile Labling Profile ResearchGate Profile Profile Bulgarian LabLing Corpus |
Prof. Velka Popova, Ph.D. Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Main research interests: psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, corpuslinguistics, child language E-mail:; Personal web pages: Profile ResearchGate Profile Profile Bulgarian LabLing Corpus |
Assoc. Prof. Stanimir Zhelezov, Ph.D Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Main research interests: information security (steganological protection of information), web technologies, programming E-mail: Personal web pages: CV and Publications Profile Web of Science (Publons) Scopus OrcId |
Assoc. Prof. Krasimir Kordov, Ph.D Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Main research interests: information security (steganological protection of information), web technologies, image encryption E-mail: Personal web pages: CV and Publications Profile Web of Science (Publons) Scopus OrcId |
Assoc. Prof. Irina Ivanova, Ph.D Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Main research interests: methods in teaching foreign languages, linguistics, translation, second language acquisition, teacher qualification and continuing professional development E-mail:, Personal web pages: Profile ResearchGate Profile |
Assist. Prof. Andreea Radu-Bejenaru, PhD
Additional Information |
Assist. Prof. Radostina Vladkova Iglikova, PhD Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Main research interests: CMDA, Textlinguistics, New Media, Comparative Linguistics, Theory and Practice of Translation, Corpuslinguistics E-mail: Personal web pages: Profile ResearchGate Profile Profile Google Scholar Profile РИНЦ Profile |
Assist. Prof. Vladimir Rosenov Vasilev, Ph.D Technical Editor of Laboratory of Applied Linguistics at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Main research interests: IT for education, advertising on the internet, online journalism, graphic design, information technologies E-mail: Personal web pages: Profile ResearchGate Profile |
Tanya Vasileva Todorova
PhD student Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Kolyo Branimirov Hubenov
PhD student Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Zhaneta Andreeva
PhD student Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Main research interests: cognitive linguistics, linguistic demagogy, linguistic pragmatics, corpuslinguistics E-mail: Personal web pages: Profile Publications: Андреева, Ж. Когнитивните метафори като средство за езикова демагогия в съвременните български политически речи - В: Чакърова, Кр. (ред.) Verba iuvenium, Пловдив, кн.1, 116-125. Андреева, Ж. Таксономия на когнитивните метафори в българските политически речи – Материали от Международната конференция „Българистични езиковедски четения“, 19–20 ноември 2018 г. София: Факултет по славянски филологии, 2019 г., 392-398. Андреева, Ж. Семантические и прагматические аспекты когнитовной метафоры в современной болгарской политической речи – Рогожникова, Т. М. (ред.) Теория и практика языковой коммуникации, Уфа: РИК УГАТУ, 2019. Projects: National Interdisciplinary Research E-Infrastructure for Resources and Technologies for the Bulgarian Linguistic and Cultural Heritage Integrated within the European Infrastructures CLARIN AND DARIAH (CLADA-BG) - 2019, Order No. PD-10-2617 / 18.12.2018. , Project Manager - Prof. D. Popov, Ph.D. Scientific conferences: 1. Двадесета юбилейна научна конференция „Време, слово, свят“, ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“, 17 – 18 май 2018 г. 2. Международна юбилейна научна конференция „Българският език – история, настояще и бъдеще“, ШУ „Епископ Константин Преславски“, 27 – 29 септември 2018 г. 3. Международна конференция „Българистични езиковедски четения“, СУ „Климент Охридски“, 19 – 20 ноември 2018 г. 4. Двадесет и първа национална конференция „Светът е разтворена книга“, 16 – 17 май 2019 г., ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“ 5. XI Международная научно-методическая конференция «Теория и практика языковой коммуникации», Уфа, 20-21 июня 2019 года |
Аni Angelova
PhD student Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Main research interests: phraseology, lexicology, comparative studies in Bulgarian and German E-mail:; Personal web pages: ResearchGate Profile Publications: Ангелова 2018: Ангелова, А. За многообразието на терминологията в немската фразеология. – В: Годишник на ШУ, ФХН, бр. XXIX A, Шумен, УИ Епископ Константин Преславски, 2018 г. ISSN 1311-7300, стр. 166 – 174 Ангелова 2019: Ангелова, А. Съпоставителни аспекти на българската и немската фразеология. - В: Отговорността пред езика, кн.5, Шумен, УИ Епископ Константин Преславски, 2019, ISSN 1313-695Х, стр. 270 – 275. Projects: 1. Participation in a scientific project of the Department of Methodology "Model for the Portfolio of the Bulgarian Language and Literature Teacher" - 2009, № RD-07-642 / 09.04.2009, project leader - Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Yankova 2. Technical Contractor in the Student Practices Project in the period 2013 - 2015 BG051PO001-3.3.07-0002, funded by OP "Human Resources Development 2007-2013" 3. Technical Contractor in Project “Student Practices - Phase 1” BG05M20P001-2.002-0001, funded by OP NOIR, in the period 2016 - 2018. 4. Participation in a Scientific Project of the Department of Bulgarian Language "Language - Speech - Communication (Second Stage)" - 2017, № RD-08-110 / 06.02.2017, Project Manager - Prof. Dr. D. Popov 5. Participation in a scientific project of the Department of Bulgarian language "Anniversary scientific conference on the topic:" Bulgarian language - past, present, future "(On the occasion of 40 years since the establishment of the Department of Bulgarian language at the University of Shoumen)" - 2018, №RD -08-150 / 09.02.2018, Project Manager - Prof. Dr. M. Stefanova 6. Participation in the project "National interdisciplinary research E-infrastructure for resources and technologies for the Bulgarian linguistic and cultural heritage integrated within the European infrastructures CLARIN AND DARIAH (CLADA-BG)" - 2019, Order No. РД-10-2617 / 18.12 .2018, Project Manager - Prof. Dr. D. Popov. Scientific conferences: 1. Участие в XXIV-тите „Епископ-Константинови четения“, проведени на 18.05.2018 г., с доклад на тема „За многообразието на терминологията в немската фразеология“ 2. Участие в Юбилейната научна конференция на тема: „Българският език – минало, настояще, бъдеще“ (По случай 40 години от създаването на Катедрата по български език в Шуменския университет)“, проведена от 27.09.2018 – 29.09.2018 г., с доклад на тема „Съпоставителни аспекти на българската и немската фразеология“ 3. Участие в Юбилейната научна конференция „Паисиеви четения 2018 г.“ под наслов „45 години филологии в Пловдивския университет“, проведена от 08.11.2018 г. до 10.11.2018 г., с доклад на тема „Фразеологичното значение в българската и немската фразеологична наука от съпоставителен аспект“ |
Daniela Ivanova
PhD student Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Main research interests: Bulgarian as a second language, psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics E-mail:; Personal web pages: Medical University - Varna Profile Publications: Даниела Иванова. Развиване на комуникативните компетенции чрез видеофилми в онлайн обучението по български език като чужд. Сборник с доклади от Втората варненска конференция за електронно обучение и управление на знанието, 07 – 08 Юни 2018 г. Варна, 2018, стр. 32–38, ISBN (online): 978-619-221-196-7 (в съавт. с Албена Добрева и Петър Фотев) Даниела Иванова. Университетската телевизия MU-VI.TV – платформа за партньорство, нови идеи и възможности. Сборник с доклади от Втората варненска конференция за електронно обучение и управление на знанието, 07 – 08 Юни 2018 г. Варна, 2018, стр. 102–107, ISBN (online): 978-619-221-196-7 (в съавт. с Ивелина Фесчиева-Мартинова) Projects: Participation in the project "National interdisciplinary research E-infrastructure for resources and technologies for the Bulgarian linguistic and cultural heritage integrated within the European infrastructures CLARIN AND DARIAH (CLADA-BG)" - 2019, Order No. РД-10-2617 / 18.12 .2018, Project Manager - Prof. Dr. D. Popov |
Petya Mincheva Rizova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH (КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-324 / 01.12.2023). Team member of the project NSP Bulgarian Studies, Grant number DSD-8/16.08.2022 Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Nezhilya Mehmed Iliyaz Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH (КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Team member of the project NSP Bulgarian Studies, Grant number DSD-8/16.08.2022 Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Krasimira Encheva Kitanova Student, Bulgarian Philology Master Degree Programme |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH (КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Team member of the project NSP Bulgarian Studies, Grant number DSD-8/16.08.2022 Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Marinela Shiderova Ivanova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Ivet Stefanova Radanova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Lachezara Staneva Dobreva Student, Bulgarian Philology Master Degree Programme |
Viktoriya Dimitrova Stamova (Viktoriya Dimitrova Staneva) Student, Bulgarian Studies – Linguistics and Mass Communications Master Degree Programme |
Scientific conferences: 1. Виктория Станева – Доклад на тема Принципи на действието на Common Rail горивни системи – Курсантско-студентска научна конференция 2016, Велико Търново, 1-2 декември 2016 г., организатор НВУ „Васил Левски“ (Сертификат за участие Рег. № 2-40-2/01.12.2016г.) 2. Виктория Станева – Доклад на тема Българската армия - структура, въоръжение и екипировка, – Курсантско-студентска научна конференция 2016, Велико Търново, 1-2 декември 2016 г., организатор НВУ „Васил Левски“ (Сертификат за участие Рег. № 3-68-1/01.12.2016 г.) 3. Виктория Станева – Доклад на тема Оказване на помощ на населението от въоръжените сили при кризи от военен характер – Курсантско-студентска научна конференция 2016, Велико Търново, 1-2 декември 2016 г., организатор НВУ „Васил Левски“ (Сертификат за участие Рег. № 3-67-1/01.12.2016 г.) 4. Станева Виктория. – Доклад на тема Bluetooth технологията - произход, история, бъдеще. – Международна научна конференция за курсанти и студенти, Варна, 2017 (Сертификат за участие Рег. № 008/26.10.2017 г.) |
Ilina Nikolaeva Ilieva Student, Bulgarian Philology Master Degree Programme |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Kalina Dimova Cherneva Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Mariela Teodorova Penova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Nikoleta Burnazova Student, Special Pedagogy |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Radoslava Peeva Uzunova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Silviya Plamenova Stoyanova Student, Bulgarian Philology Master Degree Programme |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Nelina Nikolaeva Ilieva Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Lyudmila Aksentievna Todorova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Fatme Aptraman Nazif Student, English Studies – Foreign Language Teaching Master Degree Programme |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Mariya Todorova Popova Student, Bulgarian Studies – Linguistics and Library and Information Activities Master Degree Programme |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Kostadinka Dyankova Eftimova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Ivanka Boncheva Aleksieva Student, Bulgarian Studies – Linguistics and Mass Communications Master Degree Programme |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Evgeniya Nikolova Pavlova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Nela Lachezarova Naydenova Student, Bulgarian Studies – Linguistics and Mass Communications Master Degree Programme |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Plamena Dimitrova Koleva Student, Bulgarian Studies – Linguistics and Mass Communications Master Degree Programme |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Viktor Feliksov Ivanov Student, English Philology |
Projects Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Participation in international conferences Fourth student scientific conference “Еcology and environment” April 22-23, 2016 Publications Victor Feliksov. The relict plants in Shumen Plateau Natural Park. – – ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH STUDENT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE.Volume 3. Shumen, 2016, 130–141. (в съавт. с Julieta Belcheva, Gergana Petkova, Trayana Vasileva) |
Assia Nikolaeva Petrova Student, Bulgarian Studies – Linguistics and Mass Communications Master Degree Programme |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Yana Krasimirova Dogandjiiska Student, Speech Therapy |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Diana Lyubomirova Belinova Student, Turkish Studies with Business Communication |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Hyuliya Erdinch Mustafa Student, Turkish Studies with Business Communication |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Hamide Idriz Mustafa Student, English Philology |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Gizem Byulent Kardzhala Student, English Philology |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Lidiya Petrova Myankova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Mervin Sezginova Ademova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Petya Nedelcheva Peeva Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Antonina Plamenova Aleksandrova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Savina Ivailova Tsvetkova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects:/b> Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Savina Teodorova Danailova Student, Applied linguistics (English and Russian languages)) |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Galatea Dimitrova Kraleva Student, Speech Therapy |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Team member of the project BG05M9OP001-2.005-0149-C01 An integrated model for activating professional and personal skills of employability and social inclusion (PROFILE) (Contract №72 / 02.07.2018) Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Meral Beyhanova Remzieva Student, English Philology - MA Language for Business and Tourism |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Silviya Stoyanova Gospodinova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Marina Milkova Stoyanova Student, Bulgarian Philology |
Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen |
Aneta Todorova Nedyalkova Student, Bulgarian Philology - MA Linguistics and Library and Information Science |
Participation in international conferences: Анета Недялкова – Доклад на тема Речникът в огледалото на свободните словесни асоциации. Експериментално изследване. – Конференцията с международно участие „Българистични езиковедски четения“, посветена на 130-годишнината на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“, София, 19 и 20 ноември 2018 г. (в съавт. с Велка Попова) Анета Недялкова – Доклад на тема Експериментално изследване на остаряването на типични за епохата на социализма думи – Двадесет и първа национална научна конференция (с международно участие) за студенти и докторанти „Светът е разтворена книга”, Пловдив на 16 и 17 май 2019 г. Докладът е удостоен с III награда. Анета Недялкова – Доклад на тема СТАРЕНИЕ СЛОВ И ЭГО ОТРАЖЕНИЕ В СВОБОДНЫХ СЛОВЕСНЫХ АССОЦИАЦИЯХ – XI Международная научно-методическая конференция «Теория и практика языковой коммуникации», Уфа, 20-21 юни 2019 (в съавт. с Велка Попова) Publications: Недялкова Анета. Речникът в огледалото на свободните словесни асоциации. Експериментално изследване. – Сборник с доклади от Конференцията с международно участие „Българистични езиковедски четения“, посветена на 130-годишнината на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 19 и 20 ноември 2018 г. , София, 2019, 53–58 . (в съавт. с Велка Попова) Недялкова Анета. Старение слов и его отражение в свободных словесных ассоциациях. – Рогожникова, Т. М. (ред.) Теория и практика языковой коммуникации, Уфа: РИК УГАТУ, 2019. (в съавт. с Велка Попова) RINZ Projects: Team member of the project National interdisciplinary research e-infrastructure for resources and technologies for studying Bulgarian language and cultural heritage, part of the framework of the European infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH(КЛаДА-БГ) (Contract № Д 01-164/ 28.08.2018). Membership: Member of the Students' Linguistic Club at the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Awards: Third place for the presentation entitled An experimental study of the ageing of words typical of the socialist epoch, awarded by the national jury of the 21st National Scientific conference (with international participants) for students and doctoral candidates The world is an open book held in Plovdiv on 16-17 May 2019. |
Prof. Dr. Habil Ivelina Kostova Savova |
Prof. Kina Atanasova Vachkova |
Prof. Nadka Nikolova Nikolova |
Assist. Prof. Krasimira Docheva Koleva |
Assist. Prof. Deyana Valcheva Peneva |